Thursday, April 26, 2012

31 Weeks

31 Weeks
How far along? 31 weeks... only 9 weeks to go!! Single digit countdown! Woo hoo!
Total weight gain: 20 lb- I hit this milestone at my Dr. office this week... but at least I only have 9 more weeks! :)
Maternity clothes: Anything big and stretchy... haha! I went looking around at Target and LOVED some of the "normal sized" clothes but knew I shouldn't even try them on because they wouldn't fit. Haha! I will love being able to fit into non-maternity clothes after Caroline is born and after that baby weight comes off!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Same as before... waking up 2-3 times a night to turn over or use the restroom. I have been more hot at night so I have been freezing Blake out recently. I told him it will probably only get worse from here. Haha!
Best moment this week: Getting lots of projects done in Caroline's room!! My parents came over this weekend and stayed Friday night. Friday and Saturday we worked on making curtains, a cornice board, and covering a lamp shade. Here are some pictures of our projects!
 The plain window before...
 After!!! :) Curtains made from painter's drop cloth (from Home Depot)! Blake and Dad made the cornice board and Mom and I covered it (with the help of Dad using the staple gun). I LOVE IT!
 Up close of the cornice board. We inserted a piece of the curtain material with her monogram in the middle of the cornice board to tie it all together. I did the monogramming and sewing of the cornice board material and mom sewed the curtains. Team work!
 Final product with the lamp!
Here is an up close of the lamp we covered. The fabric coordinates with the paisley pattern on her bedding! Perfect!

Miss Anything? Turning over in bed easily... As funny as it may seem, this has gotten more and more difficult. Haha! I never realized how hard this would be. I can't wait to see how much harder it is going to get over the next 9 weeks! 
Movement: I sometimes say she is doing karate because that is really what it feels like! She also LOVES to stretch out. I can feel her back on one side of my stomach and her feet on the other side. I can't wait to see her stretch like that after she is born and know that is what I was feeling inside too! Crazy thought...
Food cravings: Update on the pickled okra... I found some!!! Woo hoo!! I also had a craving for ice cream sandwiches. I know these are so gross together, but by themselves... I love them both!! I have been enjoying them lots this week! :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Getting hot when I would normally be comfortable or cold. It was cooler at night this week so we had our back door open and the fan on in our living room. Blake had a blanket over his whole body and was so cold and I was sitting in shorts and a t-shirt and was comfy. Haha! We have switched roles for a little while.
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: We are going to Mobile this weekend because James Robert, Leslie, and Mattingly will be in town! Yay!! This will be Blake's first time meeting her, and I know he will be so in love as soon as he sees her! :)

1 comment:

  1. The curtains look GREAT :) Love the monogram!! 9 weeks WOOHOO!!
