Monday, April 2, 2012

27 Weeks

27 Weeks
Liz and two of her friends came and stayed with us the weekend after I turned 27 weeks, which was so fun!! We all hung out at the beach all day on Saturday, and it was a beautiful day! More on that in next week's post!
How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 16lb
Maternity clothes: From the picture above, you can't really tell... but I need a maternity bathing suit. This tankini is not maternity and if I get any bigger (which happens every day) it will not fit anymore!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Waking up lots to use the restroom... normal pregnancy complaint, I know.
Best moment this week: This past weekend, Blake and I went to a local recreational area that has 2 lakes and a nice walking trails in between the two. We walked the trail which was about 2.5 miles... quite a workout for a pregnant woman!! But I survived and we had so much fun just enjoying each other and enjoying nature! Another awesome moment this week was my ultrasound!! My mom got to come to the appointment because Blake had to work which was a very special time for us! Caroline is in the exact position I thought she was... She is head down, her back in on my right side, and her legs are on my left side. She is a little wiggle worm so who knows how long she will stay that way!
Miss anything? Being able to sit and be comfortable... haha! I feel like I have to just keep changing positions to stay comfortable. Laying on my left side is probably the most comfortable right now.
Movement: Of course! I love to just sit and feel my belly as she rolls and kicks around. It is such an amazing thing to be able to feel your baby moving inside!
Food cravings: Well... I got to fix my craving for Chinese food this week! After my Dr. appointment, mom and I went to the mall and Blake met us for lunch. We all had some yummy Teriyaki chicken, rice, and veggies! YUMMMM!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Nothing out of the ordinary. Hungry, tired, restless... what's new? haha! :)
Belly button in or out? Half in/out... more out now though. Uh oh!
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Elizabeth and her friends staying with us this weekend and going to the beach... should be a great weekend! 

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