Monday, April 9, 2012

28 Weeks

28 Weeks
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: 16lb
Maternity clothes: I tried on some "normal" dresses to see if I could wear any of them for Easter. Sad to say that nothing really worked. So I went shopping at Target and found a dress that worked and this week's picture is from Easter Sunday. I also found a bathing suit there which I am really excited about!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: This past week was interesting sleep-wise. One night, I couldn't go to sleep at all! I was tossing and turning and felt like I was bothering Blake. Blake had just fallen asleep and I wanted to turn over... so instead of tossing and turning more, I made a pallet on the floor and slept there for a few hours. Haha! Then I woke up to use the restroom and got back in the bed and slept ok the rest of the night. Crazy sleep schedule...
Best moment this week: Elizabeth and her friends (Rye and Shelby) came and stayed with us this past weekend. They spent all Saturday and Sunday on the beach, and we joined them on Saturday! It was so much fun! You get a few funny looks being preggo on the beach, but I still had a good time! Another fun moment this week was that Caroline got the hiccups for the first time!! It was the funniest thing! I was sitting there and felt a little bump... then another little bump. I said to Blake- "I think she has the hiccups!!" My whole stomach bounced with every little hiccup! It was so cute! Now she gets them about once a day since then.
Miss anything? Fitting in normal clothes. My selection of clothes is getting smaller and smaller.
Movement: More and more every day! She is already a little wiggle worm!
Food cravings: Nothing I can think of...
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Hungry... a lot! haha! My belly is growing a lot more now too. It is crazy how fast this little girl is growing! :)
Belly button in or out? The top of my belly button is all out now... haha!
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: We are spending Easter weekend in Mobile! It will be fun to be with family and enjoy the weekend together.

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