Thursday, May 31, 2012

36 Weeks

36 Weeks
How far along? 36 weeks... Only one week until she is considered full term!
Total weight gain: 23lb.- No change in weight this week at the doctor! Yay!
Maternity clothes: I am getting tired of wearing maternity jeans. Because they have the elastic at the top, I have to pull them up everytime I stand up. I wish they stayed up well like normal jeans. This will give me lots of motivation to get back in my normal size jeans quicker! Haha!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I did the SAME thing this Saturday night that I did last week- how strange! I woke up at about 5 and couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't get a nap that afternoon though, so I slept VERY good the next night! 
Best moment this week: Blake's family was in town so we had so much fun with them!! They all got here Friday night. Saturday, we went to lunch and then spent the afternoon on the beach. We also took some family photos that night on the beach. Here is one of my favorites!
Tatum is so active it is hard to get her to not wiggle in a picture. Haha! One of my favorite moments this weekend was when I asked Tatum where baby Caroline was and she pointed at my belly!! Here is a picture of it! It was so cute! 
Then we asked her to give Caroline a kiss so here is her "kissy" face! :) 
My sister-in-law, Summer, also took some maternity pictures of me! I will have to make another post to show you some of my favorites later!
Along with a great weekend with family, Blake and I also joined a church!! We joined Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola. It is a large church, but immediately felt like home when we visited. The Pastor (Ted Traylor) is not ashamed to preach the Gospel and holds nothing back in his sermons. He has been teaching from Revelation, and it has been so powerful! I have learned so much in just the few weeks that we have been there. I am so excited the Lord led us here and can't wait to see how He grows us in the years ahead through Pastor Traylor's leadership. This is a much needed answer to prayer. Praise the Lord!!
Miss anything? I have wanted to lay on my stomach soooo badly this week!! My back has been hurting some and I just feel like if I could curl over and lay on my stomach, it would feel so much better. Well, that is incredibly impossible right now, so I have just been dealing with it. Haha!
Movement: Of course! It was fun for Blake's family to get to feel her wiggle and kick so much this weekend too!
Food cravings: I have wanted green grapes for a few weeks but couldn't find any that looked too good. Well, I found some this week and they were DELICIOUS! :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: Feeling those contractions more and more. It is making it more and more real that I could go into labor at any point now. Because of that, I am much more conscious of my contractions and how close together they are. No change in dilation from last week's appointment, even after feeling way more contractions this week. They must just be really mild right now. I can't imagine what real contractions are going to feel like! Eek!
Symptoms: I have noticed my hips hurting this week. I am assuming they are just moving and adjusting for childbirth, but it is quite uncomfortable some times! Blake said he thinks they are looking wider (THANKS!) these days too. Haha! He didn't just come out and say that... I specifically asked him since they have been hurting, so he wasn't in trouble for his answer. 
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: I am feeling more ready for Caroline every day! We now have her monitor all set up and ready to go, even though she will probably be sleeping in our room for a little while. I am starting to pack her bag (and my bag) for the hospital. So, I am looking forward to just being more and more ready for her! :)

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