Thursday, May 31, 2012

35 Weeks

35 Weeks
How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: 23lb - This week at the doctor, my weight was actually down a pound, but I think it was just the time of day. Haha!
Maternity clothes: Anything stretchy and big is GREAT! All of my normal t-shirts are too short now, so it is either one of Blake's t-shirts or a maternity shirt these days.
Stretch marks? No... hoping I can keep this going for just a few more weeks!
Sleep: I have slept pretty good this week. Saturday night, I was asleep less than 4 hours and then woke up WIDE awake!! I have no idea why! It was crazy! I made up for it with a great nap that afternoon though.
Best moment this week: My baby shower is Mobile! It is so great!! I got to see so many friends and family, and we were so blessed with an insane amount of amazing gifts for our sweet Caroline! She is one loved little baby! I am thankful for all the family that made it such a special shower. No detail of overlooked, and it was perfect!! I could not ask for better hostesses! Here is a picture of me with all of the wonderful ladies who made my day so special!
This next picture gives you just a little taste of how many gifts Caroline was given at this shower.
Miss anything? I can't think of anything specific this week that I have missed. 
Movement: Yes! She is so active! Every time I go to the doctor, she goes crazy!! I lay back, they put the doppler (to listen to her heartbeat) on my belly, and she starts kicking and punching like there is no tomorrow! The nurse is always so amazing at how hyper she is! Haha!
Food cravings: Nothing crazy to tell about this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: More braxton hicks but not painful yet... just definitely more noticeable. I was dilated a "fingertip" (about 1/2cm) and was 90% thinned out this week at the doctor! Now I will go to the doctor every week.
Symptoms: I think the only "normal" pregnancy symptom that I have not had is heartburn. I don't even know what it feels like! I am so thankful because so many people say how horrible it can be.
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Blake's family is coming in town next weekend for Memorial Day! I am so excited about seeing all of them and getting to spend some time at the beach too!

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