Thursday, June 7, 2012

37 Weeks... FULL TERM!

37 Weeks
How far along? 37 weeks... Full term!! Caroline could come any day now! That is so crazy to think about!
Total weight gain: 24lb.
Maternity clothes: My mom gave me a really cute navy blue maxi dress that is going to be perfect for the last few weeks! I think I am going to wear it on a date night soon! We have to take advantage of our last few dates before Caroline makes her big debut! We all know we won't have time for awhile after that!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have actually been sleeping really well... besides the waking up lots to turn over and use the restroom. But I cannot complain about that at all! It has been much better this past week.
Best moment this week: We had a really great week! Sunday-Tuesday, Blake's cousin (April) and her husband stayed with us. His Grandmother and Grandaddy brought April and Dustin to the beach as a surprise for April's birthday. We had a great time spending time with them for a few days!
On Wednesday, Mom and Aunt Nancy came over to Milton after my Dr. appointment for the week and we had a full day of fun!! We fixed up Caroline's nursery (next post will have lots of pictures!!) and had a great day shopping around town a little. We went to the Piano Cafe, which is in downtown Milton inside the Old Post Office (which is also an antique shop). It was great to have some girl time and get lots accomplished too!
Miss anything? I miss being able to go in a store or anywhere and not get a billion stares. Haha! When you are big and pregnant... people's heads turn and look! I am not big on being the center of attention so I am ready for people to stare at my pretty baby instead of me. Haha! :)
Movement: She is one hyper child some days! One day this past week, she was moving so much Blake said it looked like she was about to bust out of there! We grabbed the video camera, and of course she stopped moving completely!! We waited a few minutes and she started again. We caught a little on video but it was not as crazy as the first time. It will be so strange in a couple of weeks (or less!) to not feel or see her kicking inside of me. I think that is one thing I will actually miss after she is born. It is such a special bond to be able to feel that inside of you!
Food cravings: I have just wanted lots of fruit recently. I have been eating lots of blueberries, oranges, bananas, grapes, and peaches. I am so thankful for wonderful fresh fruit at this time of year to satisfy my cravings!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: Same ole contractions... Haha! I am wondering when they are going to be getting more intense. They are still very mild at this point, but I know that will soon change! I really want to go into labor as opposed to being induced, so I hope that works out for me!! We will see in the coming weeks...
Symptoms: Last week, I said how my hips have been hurting... Well, I think that pain is paying off. The Dr. (I actually saw a female Dr. who is in the same practice as my Dr. this week because he is out of town) said Caroline is getting lower and in my pelvis now! Her exact words were, "She is making her exit maneuvers." Uh oh!! Getting close!
I also now have the STRANGEST pregnancy symptom ever... Well, at least it has been my strangest symptom. The upper part of my belly is numb. It itches, I scratch it, but I can't feel a thing!! It is bizarre and a bit annoying. I asked the Dr. about it. She said it is from nerves getting stretched and compressed. She said all the feeling should come back after I deliver. I also realized that the hot water in the shower makes it feel very strange now that it is numb. So... I am officially a strange pregnant lady with weird symptoms! Haha!
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Getting to hold Caroline and see what she looks like! It is such a huge answer to prayer that I have made it to full term, and now all I can think about is my baby girl being here and in my arms! I am praying for a safe and healthy delivery for me and Caroline (whenever God knows it is her day to come). I am not anxious for her to be here... I just want to enjoy these last few days and weeks of being pregnant and for her to make her grand entrance in God's timing.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the days of being stared at. I didn't enjoy it either! One guy even had the audacity to tell Josh that I looked like a was about to pop any day. And in fact I was 2 days past my due date, but still! haha
