Monday, June 25, 2012

39 Weeks

39 Weeks
How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain: 26lb.
Maternity clothes: I have been wearing Blake's t-shirts, since all of mine have obviously not been fitting for a long time. Now, his shirts are getting a little tight and short so I am very happy I only have 1 more week left!! :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has been a big struggle recently. I will wake up in the middle of the night wide awake sometimes, wake up a billion times to turn over, and get up a few more times to the restroom. Ugh! My hips have also been hurting more in the morning after I wake up. I can't wait to sleep on my back and stomach soon!
Best moment this week: We have been so blessed to have quickly made some great friends since joining our church. We got to hang out with some of them this weekend, which was great!! It was also Father's Day this weekend. To celebrate, my parents came over and we went to lunch at Cock of the Walk! It was DELISH!
 Blake and Dad after enjoying lots of yummy catfish!
Love my mom so much!!
Miss anything? Being able to eat a normal sized meal. Whenever I eat a little too much, I am so uncomfortable for hours afterward. Caroline is taking up too much area for my stomach to fill up like normal. Haha!
Movement: I can really tell she is running out of room to move now. She is definitely stuck and wedged in there for good now!! Just waiting for her to move OUT now!! Haha!
Food cravings: Blake and I have been enjoying half price milkshakes at Sonic at night... yum! I love their strawberry milkshake!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: More contractions for sure, but still nothing that is making any big progress. I was 1.5cm dilated this week and 90% effaced (thinned out)... so, we decided on a pitocin induction Tuesday (June 26) if she doesn't come before that on her own! We can't wait to meet her! It has given me such peace of mind to just have an end date in sight. We are praying for a healthy baby girl and safe delivery whenever she comes into the world!
Symptoms: My belly is still growing! She has definitely dropped lower, but I just feel huge. Haha! It is so hard to just roll over in bed  or bend over to pick something up having such a big belly.
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off... can't wait to wear my rings again soon!!
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet Caroline in the next week!! I cannot wait to hold her in my arms and just love on her! It has been such a blessing and joy to carry Caroline inside for the last 9 months, and I cannot imagine the feeling of holding her in my arms for the first time! What a miracle...

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