Sunday, June 17, 2012

38 Weeks

38 Weeks
How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain: 25lb.
Maternity clothes: I am so ready to not have to wear only maternity clothes. My wardrobe selection is very limited, and I am ready to be able to just wear some different things. I remember how eager and excited I was when I first "got" to wear maternity clothes... haha! Oh how a few months can change your perspective!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty well. Getting up about 3 times a night and waking up maybe 1-2 other times just to turn over in bed. 
Best moment this week: Having an ultrasound and getting to see our little girl!! :) We had an ultrasound at this appointment just to check on everything and make a guess at Caroline's size. Based on their measurements, they guessed her weight at 7lb. 6oz. right now. I don't know how accurate those estimates really are, so it will be interesting to see how much she really weighs when she makes her grand entrance!!
Miss anything? Laying on my stomach. That is just the one thing that I crave more than anything that I can't do right now. Haha! It seems like such a silly thing.
Movement: I promise sometimes it feels like she is trying to kick her way out of my stomach. She is going to have some muscular little legs based on how hard she is kicking me now!
Food cravings: I haven't really had any specific cravings, but I am trying to just eat small frequent meals and snacks. I have run out of room for my stomach to really hold a normal sized meal comfortably.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: I am definitely having contractions... they just aren't strong yet. They will just come and go randomly throughout the day. I was 1cm dilated this week. We talked about a possible induction next week if I am dilated more... but I really want to go into labor! I know it is convenient and nice to just have it scheduled, but I have always wanted it to just start naturally. So we will see! I have just been praying that I will have a peace about God's timing for an induction or labor and know if that is the right thing to do this week or not. I am not really leaning towards the induction this week... so we will talk about it Tuesday with my Dr and see. I just want what is best for Caroline.
Symptoms: My hips have still been hurting some... mostly when I first wake up in the morning. I am just thankful that means she is moving down and my body is getting more ready for her! Hard to complain about that... haha!
Belly button in or out? Out -- it also seems to be poking out more this week than before. Not sure if it is just how she is positioned or what. Haha!
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment this week and seeing if there is any more progress toward labor. We could possibly be meeting our sweet baby girl (either because of induction or going into labor) this week so we are definitely looking forward to that possibility more and more every day!! :)

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