Friday, May 2, 2014

21 Weeks

April 30

1. This week is the first time multiple strangers have noticed I was pregnant. At church during the welcome time, a lady shook my hand and then saw my belly and said "Oh wow! When are you due?" Haha!

2. I haven't really been craving anything this week. Most food just doesn't sound good right now for some reason. Hoping that will change soon. 

3. We have had some crazy weather this week. We had tornado warnings, crazy lightening, and lots of flooding. We are very thankful that our house had no damage. Here is Caroline in our "safe place"!

4. Because it has been so rainy and dreary, Caroline and I (and Sullivan) have enjoyed having some movie days. We watched "The Little Mermaid" and "Cinderella"!

5. I am looking forward to spending the weekend at the beach with Blake. We are celebrating our 5 year anniversary early! Thanks in advance to Janny and Colonel for keeping Caroline!

6. This weekend is kind of a "baby moon" too because I know it will be so different traveling with 2 kiddos soon! Wow! That sounds crazy! 

7. I have started to feel a couple Braxton Hicks contractions... It's ok and normal at the stage. I think I am feeling them earlier than with Caroline but probably just because I know what they are now. 

8. Our niece, Rylin, is due in just a few weeks. I cannot wait for her to be here and go meet her! She and Sullivan will be about 4 months apart... So fun to have close cousins!

9. We had a birthday party this weekend for a friend's son's 1st birthday. They had a sno-cone truck come for dessert and Sullivan liked it! He was kicking like crazy after that sugar rush! Haha! 

10. I forgot to mention last week that I had gained 8lb at my appointment. Right on track with how much I gained with my 1st pregnancy. 

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