Sunday, May 9, 2010

4 years of college= DONE!

College is over!! Wow! I will graduate from Auburn University this Friday with a bachelor of science in nursing. I can't tell you how good it feels to say that. The past two years of nursing school have gone fast and slow at the same time. I have made many life-long friends through nursing school and am so thankful for all the wonderful girls I was able to meet. We had our senior banquet last Thursday... it was sooo fun!! We talked and laughed at all the wonderful and ridiculous things we did throughout nursing school. So many crazy clinical experiences, funny teachers, group projects, and so much more. I could tell stories all day long, but I will spare you. haha!

Also in the graduation spirit, I have been trying to think about what I wanted from my parents for graduation. I think I have finally settled on a sewing machine!! Beyond just a sewing machine... I don't know what I want. I don't know what brand, what features, all that stuff. So, if you sew-- give me some advise! I have never sewed anything besides a button (which was a bit of a struggle). I know I have so much to learn and can't wait to have a machine to play with!! I want to be able to make clothes for my kids one day. I just want to start learning now so I will be really good by the time I have kids. My biggest dilemma in choosing a machine is if I want it to just sew or if I want it to sew and embroider. It basically doubles (at least) the cost of the machine if it does both. So I'm trying to decide if it is worth it or not... give me your experience or advise!

In other news, we know where we are living in August when Summer and Elizabeth kick us out of the trailer (no hard feelings... it's time to move on. haha!). It is a beautiful newly renovated apartment that is very reasonable and in a great location!! We are so so excited about moving... July 30 can't come soon enough! A few of the things I am most looking forward to about our new home-- a DEEP sink with a faucet that pulls out so you can squirt water around the sink, all new appliances, granite countertops, a pantry, an ice-maker, 2 bathrooms, BIG kitchen cabinets, a laundry room, 2 big walk-in closets, and so much more! If you can't tell... I'm pretty pumped! I am also really excited about moving there because it will be our true first place together since Blake lived in the trailer throughout college. It marks a new stage in our lives of both of us working full time... oh how different my life will be! I am really excited about starting my job June 1! I have a meeting with the nurse recruiter tomorrow to iron out all the paperwork and such. Then I will be set to become a full time Baptist Health employee!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I know my week will be great... Graduation party Thursday, Pinning Ceremony and Graduation Friday, and Will and Claire's Wedding Saturday!!

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