Monday, October 27, 2014

Sullivan James {Birth Day}

I am officially a mommy of TWO kiddos!! Wow! What an incredible blessing! Thank you, Lord, for a safe delivery of Sullivan James. Here is the timeline of his birthday! :)

I had a doctor's appointment at 9 am. Here is a picture we took before heading to the appointment. Caroline is ready to meet her baby brother!

At my appointment, I was 3.5cm dilated (and I had been 1.5 on Tuesday). I was so excited that I had changed!! My doctor asked if I wanted to wait through the weekend and see what happens or if I wanted to be induced that day. I told him I was ready to have this baby so he called labor and delivery to see if they had a room. Thank goodness they did so we walked over, got admitted, and started the process to welcome our baby boy! My parents headed over and Blake's parents got on the road to come too!

The Pitocin was started at 11am. I was having some contractions before this but nothing strong or consistent. The contractions started picking up but I could still talk through them easily. Dr. Lile came and broke my water at 12 (I was 4cm then), and (WOW!) did that change things! Haha! At about 12:30, I decided I wanted my epidural. So I met my best friend Trey (aka, the nurse anesthetist) at 1pm when he gave me my epidural. My parents got to the hospital right at 1, so my dad stayed in the room during the epidural just like he did with Caroline. I guess it's a tradition now! Haha!

This picture is after the epidural... So I was nice and comfy by about 1:30 or 2 and could relax a little. I was 5.5cm at 2pm, and 9cm at 3pm! Whoa! I was so surprised! And excited! And nervous! We were about to meet our baby boy!

At 3:20, I was 10cm and started pushing. Our sweet Sullivan James then made his entrance into the world at exactly 4pm. He started crying, but his cry was more of a little whimper! He stuck out his bottom lip and had his brow all furrowed up. It was so pitiful and so cute at the same time! I started crying and couldn't believe my son was in my arms! I am so thankful for a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and beautiful baby boy!! Now here come the pictures...

Here is Caroline meeting Sullivan for the first time. She wanted to touch his face. She kept pointing to his eyes, nose, and mouth.

Here are all of the happy and proud grandparents! Pappy and Gigi got here just in time for Sullivan's arrival! So glad all of our parents could be there!

The next day, Caroline and Sullivan wore their matching shirts I made for them. So cute! Still hard to believe we have TWO kids!

All dressed up and ready to go home!

And so begins the new chapter of life as a family of FOUR! :)

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