Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 Weeks

13 Weeks
It looks like less than a bump this week than last... guess I need to go eat! :)

 How far along: 13 weeks (and 3 days… looks like I am going to be a few days behind my whole pregnancy. Haha!)
Total weight gain: Nothing really on my scale at home. We’ll see at the doctor in a few weeks.
Maternity clothes: Just using a hair rubberband to make my jeans last longer. That trick works pretty well!
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Pretty good… Blake was out of town this weekend so it is always a little harder to sleep when he is gone
Best moment this week: Finally finding the heartbeat with the doppler at work! And I got to record it!! I love going back and listening to it… what a perfect sound!
Miss Anything:
Food cravings: Chinese… so I finally got some Panda this weekend! YUM!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I get too hungry, I start to feel a little sick… so I’m just trying to eat snacks and keep something in my stomach.
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Still just tired and that crazy eczema
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! :)
Looking forward to: My college roommate, Melinda, is getting married this weekend!!! I am really looking forward to seeing all my old roommates and friends and catching up on life!! It is so fun getting back together after everyone moved away from Auburn! Woo hoo!


  1. I think I lasted till week 14 or 15 and then the maternity pants came out. They're wonderful.. embrace them. haha ;] Can't wait till you have a little bump! :]
