Monday, March 10, 2014

Here Comes Baby #2!

Well... the news is out! We are expecting Baby #2 on September 10! We found out at the beginning of January, but didn't have a doctor's appointment until mid-February. I wanted to wait until we had our first appointment and ultrasound and everything before we shared our news. February 17 was the big appointment day. My sweet friend Rachel kept Caroline so that it could just be me and Blake there. The ultrasound went great! Right when the girl put the wand on my stomach, she said "little one is moving around there!" I cannot tell you the gratitude, praise, thankfulness, and relief that gave me! What a gift from God that this little 1.5in. baby is growing healthy... and already active! (Oh, goodness. I'm not sure I can handle another active little one! Haha!) I was measuring right on schedule for a due date of September 10. After the ultrasound, were waiting in the lobby to see the doctor. Blake kept asking me if he could email all of his office and tell them. It was so fun to see him excited to share! Things are definitely different expecting the second child, so it's fun to see those little things that still make us giddy and feel like "new parents" again.

We had told our parents and siblings before the appointment, but we couldn't wait to spill the news to all our friends!! We called and texted our close friends before putting the announcement on Facebook. I made this shirt for Caroline to tell everyone...

I wasn't planning on doing a weekly blog like a did for my first pregnancy, but then I realized how fun it is to look back and remember all those little details from each week. So... here comes a new pregnancy blog!! Lots of changes from the last one though. I am going to do a picture once a month instead of every week. I am going to just do a "top 10" from each week instead of all the specific questions. Having "pregnancy brain" and not remembering anything is no joke... throw in chasing a toddler around all day and I can't remember a thing! So the top 10 will be random thoughts from the week, which is pretty much how my brain functions right now. Haha! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the updates along the way! :)

Here are some more pictures from our "big sis" photo shoot

Caroline is saying "uh oh" here... not too sure about this big sis thing!

 This is her "ta da" pose. Love how prissy and girly she is!
More "uh oh's"... Haha! ;)

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I'm so excited you're going to blog again :) :)
    And I feel ya on the pregnancy brain!!
    Can't wait for your little nugget to get here!
