Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 11

Favorite TV Shows

My favorite channel is definitely HGTV... I could watch it all day long, every day! I love it!

My current favorite TV show is The Sing-Off. It only lasts three weeks, which is the worst part about it. It is an all "a capella"(no music... just voices). They have so much talent on the show and it is sooo entertaining! Blake and I love watching it... we just wish it lasted longer.

Love, love love... Food network. And one of my favorite food network shows is definitely "Ace of Cakes." Duff (the owner of the cake shop) and all the designers are so funny! I love seeing how artistic they are and how they can make anything out of cake.

Another favorite on Food Network is "Food Network Challenge." If you have never seen one, you should definitely watch it soon!

And last but not least... one of my all time favorites is Gilmore Girls!! Love me some Lorelai and Rory!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 10

Something you're afraid of

 I am going to make this short and simple. Three words sums it all up: all things scary.

Yes, that's right. No scary movies or haunted houses or even shows like CSI and Law and Order. I know lots of these things aren't scary to other people, but I just don't like it. End of story.
So... on another note, I just wanted to share something exciting with y'all. Blake is going to Glendale, Arizona to see Auburn play in the National Championship game!!!!!! He is beyond thrilled. I can't tell you how excited he is about it and how happy I am that he gets to go. Blake's birthday is November 28... always right around the Iron Bowl. So every year since we have been dating, he has always said he just wants an Iron Bowl win and a national championship. I keep telling him that I can't really control either of those things, but he keeps asking. Well this year, his dream has come true!!! So... his birthday and Christmas present from me is a trip to the national championship-- FINALLY! =) Happy belated birthday and Merry Christmas, sweetie!!

 Here is part of the crew headed out for the game... Mammaw, Gigi, Pappy, and my hubs! Also going from the Thaxton crew are Diane, Donnie, Tyson, and Robyn. WARRRR EAGLE!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 9

A picture of your friends

Meet my nursing school friends... Sarah, Katie, Emily, Meghan, and Abbe

Mallory wasn't able to be there for our cap and gown pics, but she was also a HUGE part of the fun times we all had in Miller Hall! =)

At graduation, we were all married or engaged... except Katie. haha! But that has since changed... can't wait for her wedding in May!

I had some amazing memories with all these girls through college, especially all the fun we had in nursing school. Miss y'all being in Auburn!

One of my favorite memories was our weekend trip to Seaside. The beach house is named "Sea for two"... meaning it is usually used for honeymooners, or just one couple. Well... we had six of us staying that weekend, so we re-named it "sea for six"!!
I forgot to mention... we all just happened to bring and wear polka dot bathing suits. We seriously did not plan. this. haha!

I realized from this blog post that I have almost zero pictures of all my married girlfriends now... so girls, we must change that soon!! =)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 8

A place you have traveled to

Today is all about travel! I am going to tell you ALL the places I have been... I'm sure I will forget one or two along the way. In the United States, I have been to Orlando, Colorado, Washington DC, Gatlinburg (Tennessee), New York City, and Philadelphia. One place I have never been to, but would love to visit is TEXAS! We are planning a trip out to Dallas next September for Judd and Amanda's wedding! So I will get my wish soon to see the great state of Texas.

Outside of the United States, I have been to Hong Kong and Ecuador. I lived in Hong Kong in the summer of 2007 for about a month teaching English to teenagers. It was an incredible experience that taught me so much about the Lord and so much about myself. I went to Ecuador this past March with the school of nursing on a medical mission trip. We ran a women's health clinic where we did physical exams, did health teaching, and had a "Bible school" type teaching for their children. I had such a great time last year that I am going again this year!! =) It is the first week in March, and I can't wait to be there! This year will be different because I am going to be in more of a leadership/administrative role. I can't wait to see all the Lord will do and teach me through our time preparing for the trip and our time spent in Ecuador.

I don't have pictures from all the places I have been... but here are a few of my favorite shots:
Me and Dad in Times Square
Me, my cousin Rachel, and Mom in Disney World... one of my favorite places in the world!
Skiing in Breckenridge, Colorado- Bradley, Tom, Sam, Laura, Me, and Chris
I went on this trip with my best friend, Laura, and her family. It was such a fun trip!! Can't wait to go skiing this year after Christmas!
At Code's Cove in Gatlinburg on our honeymoon
We went horseback riding up a mountain in Gatlinburg too... it was amazing!
The girls on my team in Hong Kong
All my students I taught in Hong Kong... miss them so much!
Mountaintop view of Quito, Ecuador

 Me, Katie, and Abbe doing some health teaching at the health clinic in Ecuador
Ok, I think that's all I have time to share for now. Hope you enjoyed traveling with me around the world!

Day 7

Day 7: Favorite movies

In the spirit of Christmas season... I think of "Elf" first for one of my favorite movies. The jokes in Elf NEVER get old to me. I still laugh as much now as I did the first time I saw it.

"You've got mail" is a classic in my book. I can quote just about every word. I love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan's chemistry in this movie. It is so perfect!! Love it!

"Runaway Bride" may seem to be a strange favorite... but it truly is my #1 favorite movie of all time. I think Julia Roberts is so gorgeous, and I love her in this movie. It is such a good movie... go rent it now if you have never seen it.